Consensus Errors Track Settings
Possible Consensus Errors   (All Mapping and Sequencing Tracks)

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Exclude variants with Quality/confidence score (QUAL) score less than
Exclude variants with these FILTER values:
q30 (Base quality below mouse standard)
Minimum minor allele frequency (if INFO column includes AF or AC+AN):

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2022-10-20


This track shows potential errors in the consensus of the D. takahashii DtakGB2 assembly.


Sequence traces placed in the region of the DtakGB2 assembly that contains the potential consensus errors were identified by a BLASTN search against the collection of D. takahashii sequence traces deposited in the NCBI Trace Archive. These sequence traces are then assembled using the phredPhrap script and the assembly is examined using Consed.
