Assembly Track Settings
Assembly from Fragments   (All Mapping and Sequencing Tracks)

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2022-10-20


This track shows the draft assembly of the D. yakuba genome. Whole-genome shotgun reads were assembled into contigs and when possible, contigs were grouped into scaffolds (also known as "supercontigs"). The order, orientation and gap sizes between contigs within a scaffold are based on paired-end read evidence.

In dense mode, this track depicts the contigs that make up the currently-viewed scaffold. Contig boundaries are distinguished by the use of alternating gold and brown coloration. Where gaps exist between contigs, spaces are shown between the gold and brown blocks. The relative order and orientation of the contigs within a scaffold is always known; therefore, a line is drawn in the graphical display to bridge the blocks.

All components within this track are of fragment type "W" (Whole Genome Shotgun contig).