FlyBase Pseudogenes Track Settings
FlyBase Pseudogenes   (All Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks)

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-01-05


This track shows the pseudogenes that have been annotated by FlyBase. These pseudogene annotations correspond to D. melanogaster release 6.55.


Thanks to FlyBase for providing these annotations.


Gramates LS, Agapite J, Attrill H, Calvi BR, Crosby MA, Dos Santos G, Goodman JL, Goutte-Gattat D, Jenkins VK, Kaufman T, Larkin A, Matthews BB, Millburn G, Strelets VB; the FlyBase Consortium. FlyBase: a guided tour of highlighted features. Genetics. 2022 Apr 4;220(4):iyac035.