Wolbachia Proteins Track Settings
TBLASTN Alignment of Proteins from Wolbachia   (All Wolbachia Tracks)

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 wAna Proteins  Sequence Similarity to wAna Proteins Detected by CENSOR with TBLASTN   Schema 
 wRi Proteins  Sequence Similarity to wRi Proteins Detected by CENSOR with TBLASTN   Schema 
 wMel Proteins  Sequence Similarity to wMel Proteins Detected by CENSOR with TBLASTN   Schema 


This track shows the regions with sequence similarity to the annotated proteins of different Wolbachia species that were detected by CENSOR using the TBLASTN program. The protein sequences were retrieved from GenBank under the following BioProject accession numbers:

SpeciesBioProject Accession


Salzberg SL, Dunning Hotopp JC, Delcher AL, Pop M, Smith DR, Eisen MB, Nelson WC. Serendipitous discovery of Wolbachia genomes in multiple Drosophila species. Genome Biol. 2005;6(3):R23.

Klasson L, et al. The mosaic genome structure of the Wolbachia wRi strain infecting Drosophila simulans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Apr 7;106(14):5725-30.

Wu M, et al. Phylogenomics of the reproductive parasite Wolbachia pipientis wMel: a streamlined genome overrun by mobile genetic elements. PLoS Biol. 2004 Mar;2(3):E69.