These tracks show the interquantile widths of the promoters based on CAGE data for
different developmental stages of D. melanogaster. The CAGE datasets were produced
by the modENCODE project and were obtained
from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive database under the accession number SRP001602.
Each dataset was mapped to the D. melanogaster release 6 assembly using bwa with default parameters.
The alignment results were analyzed by CAGEr.
The tag counts were normalized by the normalizeTagCount function in CAGEr with the following parameters:
The promoter widths were determined by the cumulativeCTSSdistribution and quantilePositions functions in CAGEr
using the following parameters:
clusters = "tagClusters", qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9
Display Conventions
The span of each feature corresponds to the promoter width. The thin box within each span corresponds to
the interquantile width (qLow = 0.1 to qUp = 0.9) that captures 80% of the CAGE signal. The thicker box
denotes the position within the promoter with the highest CAGE signal.