modENCODE RNA-Seq from Adult Males (adultmales_rnaseqcov)
  Position: chr4:360,000-368,000
Total Bases in view: 8,001
Statistics on: 2,266 items covering 7,041 bases (88.00% coverage)
Average item spans 3.11 bases. Minimum span 1 maximum span 101
Average value 324.505 min 1 max 1192 standard deviation 335.593
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Data last updated at UCSC: 2017-09-06 19:49:28


This track was created by mapping D. yakuba RNA-Seq reads (generated by the modENCODE project) against the D. yakuba DyakCAF1 assembly using HISAT2. The RNA-Seq read coverage tracks were produced by the genomecov subprogram in bedtools. The RNA-Seq data were obtained from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under the accession number SRP006203.


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Kim D, Langmead B, Salzberg SL. HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements Nat Methods. 2015 Apr;12(4):357-60.

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