YUI Modules List

This is an auto-generated list of modules available in YUI.

YUI 3 Component Module
align-plugin Provides advanced positioning support for Node via a Plugin
anim Alias module for: anim-base, anim-color, anim-curve, anim-easing, anim-node-plugin, anim-scroll, anim-xy
anim-base Provides the base Anim class, for animating numeric properties.
anim-color Adds support for color properties in to
anim-curve Adds support for the curve property for the to
anim-easing The easing module provides methods for customizing
anim-node-plugin Binds an Anim instance to a Node instance
anim-scroll Adds support for the scroll property in to
anim-shape-transform Adds support for the transform attribute of Graphic
anim-xy Adds support for the xy property in from and
app Alias module for: app-base, app-content, app-transitions, lazy-model-list, model, model-list, model-sync-rest, router, view, view-node-map
app-base Provides a top-level application component which manages navigation and views.
app-transitions Provides view transitions for Y.App in browsers which support native CSS3
app-transitions-native Provides the implementation of view transitions for Y.App.Transitions in
array-extras Adds additional utility methods to the Y.Array class.
arraylist Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
arraylist-add Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
arraylist-filter Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core
arraysort Provides a case-insenstive comparator which can be used for array sorting.
async-queue AsyncQueue allows you create a chain of function callbacks executed
attribute Alias module for: attribute-base, attribute-complex
attribute-base The attribute-base submodule provides core attribute handling support, with everything
attribute-complex Adds support for attribute providers to handle complex attributes in the constructor
attribute-core The attribute-core submodule provides the lightest level of attribute handling support
attribute-events The attribute-events submodule provides augmentable attribute change event support
attribute-extras The attribute-extras submodule provides less commonly used attribute methods, and can
autocomplete Alias module for: autocomplete-base, autocomplete-sources, autocomplete-list, autocomplete-plugin
autocomplete-base Y.Base extension that provides core autocomplete logic (but no UI
autocomplete-filters Provides pre-built result matching filters for AutoComplete.
autocomplete-filters-accentfold Provides pre-built accent-folding result matching filters for AutoComplete.
autocomplete-highlighters Provides pre-built result highlighters for AutoComplete.
autocomplete-highlighters-accentfold Provides pre-built accent-folding result highlighters for AutoComplete.
autocomplete-list Traditional autocomplete dropdown list widget, just like Mom used to make.
autocomplete-list-keys Mixes keyboard support into AutoCompleteList. By default, this module is not
autocomplete-plugin Binds an AutoCompleteList instance to a Node instance.
autocomplete-sources Mixes support for JSONP and YQL result sources into AutoCompleteBase.
base Alias module for: base-base, base-pluginhost, base-build
base-base The base-base submodule provides the Base class without the Plugin support, provided by Plugin.Host,
base-build The base-build submodule provides Base.build functionality, which
base-core The base-core module provides the BaseCore class, the lightest version of Base,
base-pluginhost The base-pluginhost submodule adds Plugin support to Base, by augmenting Base with
button A Button Widget
button-core Provides an interface for working with button-like DOM nodes
button-group A Widget to create groups of buttons
button-plugin A Button Plugin
cache Alias module for: cache-base, cache-offline, cache-plugin
cache-base Provides the base class for the YUI Cache utility.
cache-offline Provides a Cache subclass which uses HTML5 localStorage for persistence.
cache-plugin Provides support to use Cache as a Plugin to a Base-based class.
calendar The Calendar component is a UI widget that allows users
calendar-base The CalendarBase submodule is a basic UI calendar view that displays
calendarnavigator Provides a plugin which adds navigation controls to Calendar.
charts The Charts widget provides an api for displaying data
charts-base The AreaSeries class renders quantitative data on a graph by creating a fill between 0
charts-legend Adds legend functionality to charts.
classnamemanager Contains a singleton (ClassNameManager) that enables easy creation and caching of
clickable-rail Adds support for mouse interaction with the Slider rail triggering thumb
collection Alias module for: array-extras, arraylist, arraylist-add, arraylist-filter, array-invoke
console Console creates a visualization for messages logged through calls to a YUI
console-filters Provides Plugin.ConsoleFilters plugin class.
cookie Utilities for cookie management
createlink-base Adds prompt style link creation. Adds an override for the createlink execCommand.
dataschema Alias module for: dataschema-base, dataschema-json, dataschema-xml, dataschema-array, dataschema-text
dataschema-array Provides a DataSchema implementation which can be used to work with data
dataschema-base Provides the base DataSchema implementation, which can be extended to
dataschema-json Provides a DataSchema implementation which can be used to work with JSON data.
dataschema-text Provides a DataSchema implementation which can be used to work with
dataschema-xml Provides a DataSchema implementation which can be used to work with XML data.
datasource Alias module for: datasource-local, datasource-io, datasource-get, datasource-function, datasource-cache, datasource-jsonschema, datasource-xmlschema, datasource-arrayschema, datasource-textschema, datasource-polling
datasource-arrayschema Extends DataSource with schema-parsing on array data.
datasource-cache Plugs DataSource with caching functionality.
datasource-function Provides a DataSource implementation which can be used to retrieve data from
datasource-get Provides a DataSource implementation which can be used to retrieve data via the Get Utility.
datasource-io Provides a DataSource implementation which can be used to retrieve data via the IO Utility.
datasource-jsonschema Extends DataSource with schema-parsing on JSON data.
datasource-local Provides the base DataSource implementation, which can be extended to
datasource-polling Extends DataSource with polling functionality.
datasource-textschema Extends DataSource with schema-parsing on text data.
datasource-xmlschema Extends DataSource with schema-parsing on XML data.
datatable Alias module for: datatable-core, datatable-table, datatable-head, datatable-body, datatable-base, datatable-column-widths, datatable-message, datatable-mutable, datatable-sort, datatable-datasource
datatable-base A Widget for displaying tabular data. The base implementation of DataTable
datatable-base-deprecated Provides the base DataTable implementation, which can be extended to add
datatable-body View class responsible for rendering the <tbody> section of a table. Used as
datatable-column-widths Adds basic, programmatic column width support to DataTable via column
datatable-core The core implementation of the DataTable and DataTable.Base Widgets.
datatable-datasource Plugs DataTable with DataSource integration.
datatable-datasource-deprecated Plugs DataTable with DataSource integration.
datatable-deprecated Alias module for: datatable-base-deprecated, datatable-datasource-deprecated, datatable-sort-deprecated, datatable-scroll-deprecated
datatable-head View class responsible for rendering the <thead> section of a table. Used as
datatable-message Adds support for a message container to appear in the table. This can be used
datatable-mutable Adds mutation convenience methods such as table.addRow(data) to Y.DataTable. (or other built class).
datatable-scroll Adds the ability to make the table rows scrollable while preserving the header
datatable-scroll-deprecated Extends DataTable base to enable x,y, and xy scrolling.
datatable-sort Adds support for sorting the table data by API methods table.sort(...) or
datatable-sort-deprecated Plugs DataTable with sorting functionality.
datatable-table View class responsible for rendering a <table> from provided data. Used as
datatype Alias module for: datatype-number, datatype-date, datatype-xml
datatype-date Alias module for: datatype-date-parse, datatype-date-format
datatype-date-format Format date submodule implements strftime formatters for javascript based on the
datatype-date-math Datatype Date Math submodule.
datatype-date-parse Parse number submodule.
datatype-number Alias module for: datatype-number-parse, datatype-number-format
datatype-number-format Format number submodule.
datatype-number-parse Parse number submodule.
datatype-xml Alias module for: datatype-xml-parse, datatype-xml-format
datatype-xml-format Format XML submodule.
datatype-xml-parse Parse XML submodule.
dd Alias module for: dd-ddm-base, dd-ddm, dd-ddm-drop, dd-drag, dd-proxy, dd-constrain, dd-drop, dd-scroll, dd-delegate
dd-constrain The Drag & Drop Utility allows you to create a draggable interface efficiently, buffering you from browser-level abnormalities and enabling you to focus on the interesting logic surrounding your particular implementation. This component enables you to create a variety of standard draggable objects with just a few lines of code and then, using its extensive API, add your own specific implementation logic.
dd-ddm Extends the dd-ddm-base Class to add support for the viewport shim to allow a draggable node to drag to be dragged over an iframe or any other node that traps mousemove events.
dd-ddm-base Provides the base Drag Drop Manger required for making a Node draggable.
dd-ddm-drop Extends the dd-ddm Class to add support for the placement of Drop Target shims inside the viewport shim. It also handles all Drop Target related events and interactions.
dd-delegate Provides the ability to drag multiple nodes under a container element using only one Y.DD.Drag instance as a delegate.
dd-drag Provides the ability to drag a Node.
dd-drop Provides the ability to create a Drop Target.
dd-drop-plugin Simple Drop plugin that can be attached to a Node via the plug method.
dd-gestures This module is the conditional loaded dd module to support gesture events
dd-plugin Simple Drag plugin that can be attached to a Node or Widget via the plug method.
dd-proxy Plugin for dd-drag for creating a proxy drag node, instead of dragging the original node.
dd-scroll Base scroller class used to create the Plugin.DDNodeScroll and Plugin.DDWinScroll.
dial Create a circular dial value range input visualized as a draggable handle on a
dom Alias module for: dom-base, dom-screen, dom-style, selector-native, selector
dom-base The DOM utility provides a cross-browser abtraction layer
dom-screen Adds position and region management functionality to DOM.
dom-style Add style management functionality to DOM.
dump Returns a simple string representation of the object or array.
editor Alias module for: frame, editor-selection, exec-command, editor-base, editor-para, editor-br, editor-bidi, editor-tab, createlink-base
editor-base Base class for Editor. Handles the business logic of Editor, no GUI involved only utility methods and events.
editor-bidi Plugin for Editor to support BiDirectional (bidi) text operations.
editor-br Plugin for Editor to normalize BR's.
editor-lists Handles list manipulation inside the Editor. Adds keyboard manipulation and execCommand support. Adds overrides for the insertorderedlist and insertunorderedlist execCommands.
editor-para Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction.
editor-para-base Base Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction.
editor-para-ie Extends EditorParaBase with IE support
editor-tab Handles tab and shift-tab indent/outdent support.
escape Provides utility methods for escaping strings.
event Alias module for: event-base, event-delegate, event-synthetic, event-mousewheel, event-mouseenter, event-key, event-focus, event-resize, event-hover, event-outside, event-touch, event-move, event-flick, event-valuechange
event-base DOM event listener abstraction layer
event-contextmenu Provides extended keyboard support for the "contextmenu" event such that:
event-custom Alias module for: event-custom-base, event-custom-complex
event-custom-base Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
event-custom-complex Adds event facades, preventable default behavior, and bubbling.
event-delegate Adds event delegation support to the library.
event-flick Adds support for a "flick" event, which is fired at the end of a touch or mouse based flick gesture, and provides
event-focus Adds bubbling and delegation support to DOM events focus and blur.
event-gestures Alias module for: event-flick, event-move
event-hover Adds support for a "hover" event. The event provides a convenience wrapper
event-key Functionality to listen for one or more specific key combinations.
event-mouseenter Adds subscription and delegation support for mouseenter and mouseleave
event-mousewheel Adds mousewheel event support
event-move Adds lower level support for "gesturemovestart", "gesturemove" and "gesturemoveend" events, which can be used to create drag/drop
event-outside Outside events are synthetic DOM events that fire when a corresponding native
event-resize Adds a window resize event that has its behavior normalized to fire at the
event-simulate Simulate user interaction by generating native DOM events.
event-synthetic Define new DOM events that can be subscribed to from Nodes.
event-touch Adds touch event facade normalization properties (touches, changedTouches, targetTouches etc.) to the DOM event facade
event-valuechange Adds a synthetic valuechange event that fires when the value property of an
exec-command Plugin for the frame module to handle execCommands for Editor
features Contains the core of YUI's feature test architecture.
file The File class provides a wrapper for a file pointer, either through an HTML5
file-flash The FileFlash class provides a wrapper for a file pointer stored in Flash. The File wrapper
file-html5 The FileHTML5 class provides a wrapper for a file pointer in an HTML5 The File wrapper
frame Creates a wrapper around an iframe. It loads the content either from a local
get Provides dynamic loading of remote JavaScript and CSS resources.
get-nodejs NodeJS specific Get module used to load remote resources. It contains the same signature as the default Get module so there is no code change needed.
graphics The Graphics module provides a JavaScript API for creating shapes in a variety of formats across
handlebars Alias module for: handlebars-compiler
handlebars-base Provides basic Handlebars template rendering functionality. Use this module when
handlebars-compiler Handlebars parser and compiler. Use this module when you need to compile
highlight Alias module for: highlight-base, highlight-accentfold
highlight-accentfold Adds accent-folding highlighters to Y.Highlight.
highlight-base Provides methods for highlighting strings within other strings by wrapping
history Alias module for: history-base, history-hash, history-hash-ie, history-html5
history-base Provides global state management backed by an object, but with no browser
history-hash Provides browser history management backed by
history-hash-ie Improves IE6/7 support in history-hash by using a hidden iframe to create
history-html5 Provides browser history management using the HTML5 history API.
imageloader The ImageLoader Utility is a framework to dynamically load images according to certain triggers,
intl Provides utilities to support the management of localized resources (strings and formatting patterns).
io Alias module for: io-base, io-xdr, io-form, io-upload-iframe, io-queue
io-base Base IO functionality. Provides basic XHR transport support.
io-form Extends IO to enable HTML form data serialization, when specified
io-nodejs Node.js override for IO, methods are mixed into Y.IO
io-queue Extends IO to implement Queue for synchronous
io-upload-iframe Extends the IO to enable file uploads, with HTML forms
io-xdr Extends IO to provide an alternate, Flash transport, for making
json Alias module for: json-parse, json-stringify
json-parse Provides Y.JSON.parse method to accept JSON strings and return native
json-stringify Provides Y.JSON.stringify method for converting objects to JSON strings.
jsonp Provides a JSONPRequest class for repeated JSONP calls, and a convenience
jsonp-url Adds support for parsing complex callback identifiers from the jsonp url.
lazy-model-list Provides the LazyModelList class, which is a ModelList subclass that manages
loader Alias module for: loader-base, loader-rollup, loader-yui3
loader-base Loader dynamically loads script and css files. It includes the dependency
matrix Matrix is a class that allows for the manipulation of a transform matrix.
model Attribute-based data model with APIs for getting, setting, validating, and
model-list Provides an API for managing an ordered list of Model instances.
model-sync-rest An extension which provides a RESTful XHR sync implementation that can be mixed
node Alias module for: node-base, node-event-delegate, node-pluginhost, node-screen, node-style
node-core The Node Utility provides a DOM-like interface for interacting with DOM nodes.
node-data Provides methods for managing custom Node data.
node-event-delegate Functionality to make the node a delegated event container
node-event-html5 Adds HTML5 event support to Node.
node-event-simulate Adds functionality to simulate events.
node-flick Provide a simple Flick plugin, which can be used along with the "flick" gesture event, to
node-focusmanager The Focus Manager Node Plugin makes it easy to manage focus among
node-load Extended Node interface with a basic IO API.
node-menunav The MenuNav Node Plugin makes it easy to transform existing list-based
node-screen Extended Node interface for managing regions and screen positioning.
node-style Extended Node interface for managing node styles.
oop Adds object inheritance and manipulation utilities to the YUI instance. This
overlay Provides a basic Overlay widget, with Standard Module content support. The Overlay widget
panel Provides a Panel widget, a widget that mimics the functionality of a regular OS
parallel A concurrent parallel processor to help in running several async functions.
pjax Provides seamless, gracefully degrading Pjax (pushState + Ajax) functionality,
pjax-base Y.Router extension that provides the core plumbing for enhanced navigation
pjax-plugin Node plugin that provides seamless, gracefully degrading pjax functionality.
plugin Provides the base Plugin class, which plugin developers should extend, when creating custom plugins
pluginhost Alias module for: pluginhost-base, pluginhost-config
pluginhost-base Provides the augmentable PluginHost interface, which can be added to any class.
pluginhost-config Adds pluginhost constructor configuration and static configuration support
querystring Alias module for: querystring-parse, querystring-stringify
querystring-parse Provides Y.QueryString.parse method to accept Query Strings and return native
querystring-parse-simple Provides Y.QueryString.stringify method for converting objects to Query Strings.
querystring-stringify Provides Y.QueryString.stringify method for converting objects to Query Strings.
querystring-stringify-simple Provides Y.QueryString.stringify method for converting objects to Query Strings.
queue-promote Adds methods promote, remove, and indexOf to Queue instances.
range-slider Create a sliding value range input visualized as a draggable thumb on a
recordset Alias module for: recordset-base, recordset-sort, recordset-filter, recordset-indexer
recordset-base The Recordset utility provides a standard way for dealing with
recordset-filter Plugin that provides the ability to filter through a recordset.
recordset-indexer Provides the ability to store multiple custom hash tables referencing records in the recordset.
recordset-sort Adds default and custom sorting functionality to the Recordset utility
resize Alias module for: resize-base, resize-proxy, resize-constrain
resize-contrain A Resize plugin that will attempt to constrain the resize node to the boundaries.
resize-plugin The Resize Plugin allows you to make a Node or a Widget resizable. It supports all the functionality of
resize-proxy Adds a proxyNode attribute and resizes it instead of the actual node. __very similar to DDProxy__
rollup Optional automatic rollup logic for reducing http connections
router Provides URL-based routing using HTML5 pushState() or the location hash.
scrollview-base The scrollview-base module provides a basic ScrollView Widget, without scrollbar indicators
scrollview-base-ie IE specific support for the scrollview-base module.
scrollview-list Provides a plugin, which adds support for a scroll indicator to ScrollView instances
scrollview-paginator Provides a plugin, which adds pagination support to ScrollView instances
scrollview-scrollbars Provides a plugin, which adds support for a scroll indicator to ScrollView instances
selection Wraps some common Selection/Range functionality into a simple object
selector-css2 The selector module provides helper methods allowing CSS2 Selectors to be used with DOM elements.
selector-css3 The selector css3 module provides support for css3 selectors.
selector-native The selector-native module provides support for native querySelector
shim-plugin Provides shimming support for Node via a Plugin.
slider Alias module for: slider-base, slider-value-range, clickable-rail, range-slider
slider-base Create a sliding value range input visualized as a draggable thumb on a
slider-value-range Adds value support for Slider as a range of integers between a configured
sortable The class allows you to create a Drag & Drop reordered list.
sortable-scroll Plugin for sortable to handle scrolling lists.
stylesheet The StyleSheet component is a module for creating and modifying CSS
substitute String variable substitution and string formatting.
swf Embed a Flash applications in a standard manner and communicate with it
swfdetect Utility for Flash version detection
tabview The TabView module
test YUI Test Framework
test-console Provides a specialized log console widget that's pre-configured to display YUI
text Alias module for: text-accentfold, text-wordbreak
text-accentfold Provides a basic accent folding implementation that converts common accented
text-wordbreak Provides utility methods for splitting strings on word breaks and determining
transition Provides the transition method for Node.
transition-timer Provides the base Transition class, for animating numeric properties.
uploader Provides UI for selecting multiple files and functionality for
uploader-deprecated Attention: this is the 3.4.1 uploader module has been deprecated in favor of a new
uploader-flash This module provides a UI for file selection and multiple file upload capability using
uploader-html5 This module provides a UI for file selection and multiple file upload capability using
uploader-queue The class manages a queue of files that should be uploaded to the server.
view Represents a logical piece of an application's user interface, and provides a
view-node-map View extension that adds a static getByNode() method that returns the nearest
widget Alias module for: widget-base, widget-htmlparser, widget-skin, widget-uievents
widget-anim Provides a plugin which can be used to animate widget visibility changes.
widget-autohide A widget-level extension that provides ability to hide widget when
widget-base Provides the base Widget class
widget-base-ie IE specific support for the widget-base module.
widget-buttons Provides header/body/footer button support for Widgets that use the
widget-child Extension enabling a Widget to be a child of another Widget.
widget-htmlparser Adds HTML Parser support to the base Widget class
widget-locale Provides string support for widget with BCP 47 language tag lookup. This module has been deprecated. It's replaced by the "intl" module which provides generic internationalization and BCP 47 language tag support with externalization.
widget-modality Provides modality support for Widgets, though an extension
widget-parent Extension enabling a Widget to be a parent of another Widget.
widget-position Provides basic XY positioning support for Widgets, though an extension
widget-position-align Provides extended/advanced XY positioning support for Widgets, through an
widget-position-constrain Provides constrained xy positioning support for Widgets, through an extension.
widget-skin Provides skin related utlility methods.
widget-stack Provides stackable (z-index) support for Widgets through an extension.
widget-stdmod Provides standard module support for Widgets through an extension.
widget-uievents Support for Widget UI Events (Custom Events fired by the widget, which wrap the underlying DOM events - e.g. widget:click, widget:mousedown)
yql This class adds a sugar class to allow access to YQL (http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/).
yui The YUI module contains the components required for building the YUI seed
yui-base The YUI module contains the components required for building the
yui-later Provides a setTimeout/setInterval wrapper. This module is a core YUI module, it's documentation is located under the YUI class.
yui-log Provides console log capability and exposes a custom event for
yui-throttle Throttles a call to a method based on the time between calls. This method is attached
yui3 YUI 3 module metadata