Schema for Eye Discs ATAC-Seq - ATAC-Seq of D. pseudoobscura Eye Discs
  Database: DpseGB3    Primary Table: atac_eyediscs_macs_hiseq_logLR    Row Count: 1   Data last updated: 2022-10-20
fieldexampleSQL type info
fileName /gbdb/DpseGB3/bbi/atacseq/G...varchar(255) values

Sample Rows

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Eye Discs ATAC-Seq (GSE102439_atac_eyediscs) Track Description


These tracks show the results from Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-Seq) of D. pseudoobscura eye-antennal discs from 3rd instar larvae. The peak calls and the log likelihood ratio evidence tracks were produced by MACS2. The Irreproducible Discovery Rate (IDR) peak calls were produced by the idr program using a global IDR threshold of 0.05.

The datasets were obtained from the NCBI BioProject database under the accession number PRJNA397749.


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