Schema for tRNA Genes - Transfer RNA Genes Identified by tRNAscan-SE 2.0
  Database: DtakGB2    Primary Table: tRNAscanSE2Details Data last updated: 2019-07-06
Big Bed File: /gbdb/DtakGB2/bbi/
Item Count: 613
Format description: tRNAs identified by tRNAscan-SE 2.0
chromAFFI02000009Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold
chromStart32512Start position in chromosome
chromEnd32583End position in chromosome
nametRNA-Sup-CTA-AFFI02000009-1Short Name of item
score1000Score from 0-1000
strand-+ or -
thickStart32512Start of where display should be thick (start codon)
thickEnd32583End of where display should be thick (stop codon)
reserved0,0,0Used as itemRgb as of 2004-11-22
blockCount1Number of blocks
blockSizes71Comma separated list of block sizes
chromStarts0Start positions relative to chromStart
tRNATypeSuptRNA type
trnaScore31.2Infernal Score
hmmScore53.50Primary structure-only (HMM) score
str2Score-22.30Secondary structure-only score
isotypeCMMetIsotype covariance model
isotypeScore30.7Isotype score
notespseudo,IPD:-30.70EukHighConfidenceFilter notes

Sample Rows

tRNA Genes (tRNAscanSE2Details) Track Description


This track shows the locations of tRNA genes predicted by tRNAscan-SE 2.0.


Chan PP, Lowe TM. tRNAscan-SE: Searching for tRNA Genes in Genomic Sequences. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1962:1-14.