Schema for GAF KD Differential Regions - GAF vs. GAF_KD Differential Regions
  Database: dm6    Primary Table: GAF_unique    Row Count: 5,102   Data last updated: 2022-10-20
fieldexampleSQL type info
chrom chr2Lvarchar(255) values
chromStart 129int(10) unsigned range
chromEnd 2907int(10) unsigned range
name GAF_unique_1varchar(255) values
id GAF_unique_1varchar(255) values
description LLR: 10.45063longblob  

Sample Rows
chr2L1292907GAF_unique_1GAF_unique_1LLR: 10.45063
chr2L30243384GAF_unique_2GAF_unique_2LLR: 6.08889
chr2L35023736GAF_unique_3GAF_unique_3LLR: 5.62296
chr2L39094280GAF_unique_4GAF_unique_4LLR: 9.71878
chr2L44194794GAF_unique_5GAF_unique_5LLR: 26.45369
chr2L49145183GAF_unique_6GAF_unique_6LLR: 5.54272
chr2L6638667548GAF_unique_7GAF_unique_7LLR: 20.03521
chr2L7232272823GAF_unique_8GAF_unique_8LLR: 18.41055
chr2L7365573911GAF_unique_9GAF_unique_9LLR: 7.16008
chr2L107727108362GAF_unique_10GAF_unique_10LLR: 11.91960

Note: all start coordinates in our database are 0-based, not 1-based. See explanation here.

GAF KD Differential Regions (GAF_KD_bdgdiff) Track Description


These tracks show the differential enrichment regions between the GAF and GAF-KD samples as identified by the bdgdiff program in MACS2.

The ChIP-Seq dataset was obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus database at NCBI under the accession number GSE40646


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