CDS Mapping Track Settings
TBLASTN Mapping of D. melanogaster CDS   (All Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks)

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-08-24


This track shows the tblastn alignment of the coding exons of D. melanogaster genes against the D. suzukii genome. The coding exon sequences were obtained from FlyBase. The tblastn search was performed using the following parameters: -e=1e-2 -topComboN=1 -links -hspsepSmax=10000 -hspsepQmax=1000 -matrix=PAM40 -Q=7 -R=2


St Pierre SE, Ponting L, Stefancsik R, McQuilton P; FlyBase Consortium. FlyBase 102 — advanced approaches to interrogating FlyBase. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D780-8

Gish, W. WU BLAST 2.0. (1996-2006)