Subtracks⇓  Description⇓  MUSIC PolII ChIP-Seq Peaks Track Settings
modENCODE RNA Polymerase ChIP-Seq Peaks Identified by MUSIC   (All ChIP Seq Tracks)

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  StageGroup Embryo  Larva  Pupa 
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 Embryos, 4-8 hr MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for 4-8 hr Embryos   Schema 
 Embryos, 8-12 hr MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for 8-12 hr Embryos   Schema 
 Embryos, 12-16 hr MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for 12-16 hr Embryos   Schema 
 Embryos, 16-20 hr MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for 16-20 hr Embryos   Schema 
 Embryos, 20-24 hr MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for 20-24 hr Embryos   Schema 
 L1 MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for L1 Stage Larvae   Schema 
 L2 MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for L2 Stage Larvae   Schema 
 L3 MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for L3 Stage Larvae   Schema 
 Pupae MUSIC Peaks  modENCODE RNA PolII MUSIC Peaks for Pupae   Schema 
    9 of 9 selected


These tracks show the regions in the genome that are significantly enriched in RNA Polymerase II ChIP-Seq reads at different developmental stages as determined by MUSIC.

The ChIP-Seq data were produced as part of the modENCODE project and were obtained from the NCBI Sequence Reads Archive under the accession number SRP001424.


Ho JW et al. ChIP-chip versus ChIP-seq: lessons for experimental design and data analysis. BMC Genomics. 2011 Feb 28;12:134.

Harmanci A, Rozowsky J, Gerstein M. MUSIC: identification of enriched regions in ChIP-Seq experiments using a mappability-corrected multiscale signal processing framework. Genome Biol. 2014;15(10):474.
