D. mel Proteins Track Settings
Spaln Alignment of D. melanogaster Proteins   (All Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks)

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2024-08-24


Drosophila melanogaster proteins annotated by FlyBase were aligned against the D. kikkawai (DkikHiC1) genome assembly using Spaln2. The Spaln2 alignments were generated using cross-species parameters optimized for D. melanogaster (-yX1 -TInsectDm -LS -ya0 -yS100).


Iwata H, Gotoh O. Benchmarking spliced alignment programs including Spaln2, an extended version of Spaln that incorporates additional species-specific features. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Nov 1;40(20):e161.