CSHL RAMPAGE TSS Read Density Track Settings
CSHL RAMPAGE Read Density for Different Developmental Stages   (All Expression and Regulation tracks)

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Track height: pixels (range: 11 to 110)
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Adult Female 
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 Adult Females Replicate 1 (Plus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 1 of Adult Females Sample (Plus)   Schema 
 Adult Females Replicate 1 (Minus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 1 of Adult Females Sample (Minus)   Schema 
 Adult Females Replicate 2 (Plus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 2 of Adult Females Sample (Plus)   Schema 
 Adult Females Replicate 2 (Minus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 2 of Adult Females Sample (Minus)   Schema 
 Embryos Replicate 1 (Plus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 1 of Embryos Sample (Plus)   Schema 
 Embryos Replicate 1 (Minus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 1 of Embryos Sample (Minus)   Schema 
 Embryos Replicate 2 (Plus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 2 of Embryos Sample (Plus)   Schema 
 Embryos Replicate 2 (Minus)  RAMPAGE Read Density for Replicate 2 of Embryos Sample (Minus)   Schema 


These tracks show the density of RAMPAGE reads from D. kikkawai mixed embryos and adult females samples. The RAMPAGE reads were mapped against the D. kikkawai (DkikHiC1) assembly using STAR.


The RAMPAGE data were produced by the Gingeras Lab at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.


Batut PJ, Gingeras TR. Conserved noncoding transcription and core promoter regulatory code in early Drosophila development. Elife. 2017 Dec 20;6.

Dobin A, Davis CA, Schlesinger F, Drenkow J, Zaleski C, Jha S, Batut P, Chaisson M, Gingeras TR. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics. 2013 Jan 1;29(1):15-21.