Schema for RAMPAGE TSS Read Density - RAMPAGE Read Density for Different Developmental Stages
  Database: DpseGB3    Primary Table: RAMPAGE2_29_minus    Row Count: 1   Data last updated: 2022-10-20
fieldexampleSQL type info
fileName /gbdb/DpseGB3/bbi/RAMPAGE2/...varchar(255) values

This table points to a file in BigWig format.

Sample Rows

Note: all start coordinates in our database are 0-based, not 1-based. See explanation here.

RAMPAGE TSS Read Density (tss_RAMPAGE2) Track Description


These tracks show the density of RAMPAGE reads from different developmental stages of D. pseudoobscura embryos.

The datasets were retrieved from the Gene Expression Omnibus database at NCBI under the accession number GSE89300. The results were lifted from the D. pseudoobscura release 2 assembly to the release 3 assembly.


Batut PJ, Gingeras TR. Conserved noncoding transcription and core promoter regulatory code in early Drosophila development. Elife. 2017 Dec 20;6.

Batut P, Dobin A, Plessy C, Carninci P, Gingeras TR. High-fidelity promoter profiling reveals widespread alternative promoter usage and transposon-driven developmental gene expression. Genome Res. 2013 Jan;23(1):169-80.